Our Final Hour


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Are we nearing the LORD'S COMING and ARE WE READY? You tell me? After reading many scriptures on the subject and a thorough study of history, God has now given me opportunities to venture out in ways that I could not even have imagined.

What God has placed upon my heart regarding the revelation of His coming cannot be explained here in it's entirety. That is why I encourage you to buy the book or call me to set up a group presentation. Upon your invitation (whether it be in a church, home, group setting, radio or TV) I will explain what I have been given as the Lord has touched me in a most powerful and sovereign way.

Many of men and women in this country lack scriptural knowledge and have heard the word of God from the pulpit but have not studied it for themselves. If you are ready for fresh manna from the word of God, then prepare to be fed! You decide for yourself as you seek the Lord about this in your own private devotional prayer time with Him.

Most of what I have to share needs to have your undivided attention. You and your family and the church need to know and be prepared! That is what my greatest concern is in the body of Christ that they may be ready once they hear this message.

If you'd like to get together and chat about Bible prophecy, feel free to give me a call at 209-499-9954 or email me at richardberlanga@sbcglobal.net.